
Showing posts from June, 2021

Artificial Intelligence

From being able to snap the perfect selfie to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) has entered our lives in many ways and it is now being applied to solve complex problems in most scientific fields.  to perform “intelligent” tasks: think visual perception, understanding natural language, reasoning and decision making. Machine learning is one way of building such systems based on providing the computer with examples of what it should do, and let it figure out (learn) how to do it. The field of AI refers to developing computer systems that use big sets of data AI entered the scene of computer science in the early 1950s when computers started learning checkers strategies and speaking English. Since then the field has made remarkable progress. With faster and more powerful computers, access to larger amounts of data and algorithm improvements, AI systems have taken off.

Dialogue Between Tree and Human

                                     By Ishika Kaushik.